After years of using our high speed servers for our own devious plans, we have finally made these Turbo-charged beasts available for all of you.  

Why? Because every reputable business deserves to have a super-fast website.

We used to recommend other hosting providers such as Hostmonster, or PowWeb (never GoDaddy), to our clients but realized that their collective business model was to pack as many sites on a single server as possible in order to generate huge profits for themselves.  When too many sites are competing for the same resources, slow loading times are the end results; which means that your business could have lost thousands of dollars in revenue due to the fact that your site took too long to load.

In-addition, we noticed GoDaddy, Hostmonster, PowWeb and HostGator (owns Hostmonster and many others) ACTIVELY SLOWS DOWN YOUR SITE IF THERE IS TOO MUCH TRAFFIC!  This is called "Throttling".  How do we know this?  Well, for a long time we had website hosted on both HM & PW and this was the case.

"NO MORE" we declared!

Hence, SwyftServer Performance Web Hosting was created. For us first, but now for you.


Scott L. Ilg

SLI Studios™ Web Development / bizProWeb™ / SwyftServer™ Performance Web Hosting

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

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